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Deevers Applauds Impending Grocery Tax Cut, Calls for Legislature to Do More

OKLAHOMA CITY — With the State grocery tax set to be eliminated on August 29, Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, celebrated the additional money going back into the hands of the people of Oklahoma.

“On the campaign trail, I promised Southwest Oklahomans I would work to get the government off our backs and out of our pocketbooks. Though I had hoped for even greater tax cuts and filed legislation to do so, I am very pleased that we were able to at least get rid of the 4.5 percent state grocery tax, which is set to be eliminated for all Oklahomans beginning on August 29. In addition to eliminating the State sales tax, the new law also prohibits cities and counties from raising local grocery tax rates until July 1, 2025. According to recent data, the new law will save the average family of four in Oklahoma roughly 60 dollars per month.”

While the state portion of the grocery tax is cut, it is important to note that the following are still taxed:

  • Restaurant meals or other ‘prepared food.’ Prepared food is ‘food intended for, and which is generally ready for, immediate consumption.’ This includes food that is ‘sold in a heated state or that is heated by the seller,’ food in which ‘two or more ingredients are mixed by the seller’, and food ‘sold with eating utensils, plates, bowls, cups, glasses, napkins, or straws provided by the seller.’
  • Alcoholic beverages and dietary supplements.

“I am thrilled to put this money back in the hands of Oklahomans, but we cannot stop with the grocery tax. People are struggling, in many cases because of the incompetent financial mismanagement in Washington D.C. But we can control Oklahoma tax policies and we need to make sure that they promote economic prosperity and are in line with the spirit of Article 2 Section 2 of the State Constitution: ‘All persons have the inherent right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of the gains of their own industry.’ An income tax is the government claiming ownership of the first fruits of people’s work and property. On top of being bad economic policy, this is fundamentally unjust and, arguably, unconstitutional.

“It is well past time to repeal the income tax for the good of the people of Oklahoma. I look forward to enforcing our constitution and filing legislation again to repeal the income tax next session, as well as supporting any bill that will put money back in the pockets of Oklahomans.”


For more information, contact:  Sen. Dusty Deevers at 405-521-5567 or email