A stretch of road on U.S. Highway 259 near the state line in McCurtain County has been slated as a future construction project under the Oklahoma Department of Transportation’s eight-year plan.
The highway construction zone, which will begin approximately two miles north of the Texas state line and extend north six miles, as well as begin approximately eight miles north of the state line and extend north another seven miles, is expected to have a finalized project design this summer.
The project will widen the existing roadway to include paved shoulders, improve curves that currently do not meet design criteria and improve sight distance at county road intersections. Phased construction will be used to maintain traffic in each direction during construction.
The estimated project cost approximately $40 million.
“I’m thankful the Oklahoma Department of Transportation took notice of this issue here in McCurtain County and has a plan in place to make this stretch of road safer for all travelers,” Burns said. “I’ll keep you updated on progress once a contractor and construction start date have been finalized.”