OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. George Burns, R-Pollard, has introduced Senate Bill 123 to revise provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act regarding the use of ammunition. The bill removes the $500 administrative penalty currently assessed by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for using illegal ammunition and eliminates the prohibition on bullets larger than .45 caliber.
“Oklahomans who responsibly exercise their right to self-defense shouldn’t face steep penalties or overly restrictive ammunition regulations,” Burns said. “SB 123 removes these burdens while maintaining the principles of safety and responsibility that are central to our state’s gun laws.”
The Oklahoma Self-Defense Act strengthens the laws for using firearms in a defensive manner, however these limitations didn’t align with the act’s effort to ensure the law is fair and practical for gun owners.
SB 123 is available to be considered.
For more information, contact: Sen. Burns: (405) 521-5614 or George.Burns@oksenate.gov