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Burns Bill to Protect Oklahomans' Freedoms Passes

OKLAHOMA CITY – Recently, Senate Bill 426 successfully passed through the Senate and House. The bill, authored by Sen. George Burns, R-Pollard, aims to safeguard the liberties and rights of Oklahomans by prohibiting the state from enforcing any mandates or recommendations issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), or the World Economic Forum (WEF).

SB 426 ensures that the State of Oklahoma will not compel its residents to adhere to directives related to masks, vaccines, medical testing, or the gathering of public or private information.

“In a time when global entities seek to impose their will on sovereign states, it is imperative that we stand firm in defense of our principles and values,” Burns said. “SB 426 empowers Oklahomans to make their own health decisions and protects their rights from external interference.”

The measure was carried in the House by Rep. Rick West, R-Heavener.

“We had many constituents come up and talk to us about the need for this legislation, and I appreciate their passion for making sure their rights are preserved,” West said. “This makes a big difference in our government. I'm thrilled we were able to pass this on their behalf, and I'm glad it's heading to the governor.”

SB 426 now heads to the Governor’s desk.


For more information, contact: Sen. Burns: (405) 521-5614 or