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Budget Process Moving Forward

Senate President Pro Tem Names GCCA Panel

Senate President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee named the 23 members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to the General Conference Committee on Appropriations today.

“I’m very proud of the conferees on this panel,” Coffee said. “We’ve streamlined the process this year, naming members who bring direct experience in this year’s appropriations process, and we anticipate a productive path toward moving the budget forward in the coming days.

Senators named to the GCCA include:

Senator Mike Johnson - Chair

Senator David Myers – Vice Chair

Senator Patrick Anderson

Senator Randy Bass

Senator Brian Bingman

Senator Randy Brogdon

Senator Kenneth Corn

Senator Brian Crain

Senator Johnnie Crutchfield

Senator Mary Easley

Senator John Ford

Senator Jay Paul Gumm

Senator James Halligan

Senator Ron Justice

Senator Charlie Laster

Senator Debbe Leftwich

Senator Richard Lerblance

Senator Mike Mazzei

Senator Susan Paddack

Senator Jim Reynolds

Senator Gary Stanislawski

Senator Anthony Sykes

Senator Jim Wilson

Senator Glenn Coffee – Ex Officio

Senator Todd Lamb – Ex Officio

Contact info
Sen. Coffee's Office - 405-521-5636