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Bergstrom participates in OEIP Educator Camp

OKLAHOMA CITY –   State Senator Micheal Bergstrom attended the Oklahoma Educators & Industry Partnership (OEIP) Educator Camp and roundtable discussion on June 25th at the Rogers State University facility located at the MidAmerica Industrial Park in Pryor. 

            This year’s camp focused on four critical industry sectors for the state of Oklahoma, with leading area businesses participating in the event, including manufacturing (Baker Hughes), energy (GRDA), aerospace (Nordam), and port logistics (Tulsa Port of Catoosa). 

“This camp provided a unique insight into career pathways within these industry sectors that could be promoted in local classrooms,” said Bergstrom, R-Adair.  “Not only did this event offer perspective into mainstream careers, it also highlighted non-traditional career opportunities for non-traditional students.”      

Bergstrom said the session focused on trends in education and workforce development and explored opportunities for greater collaboration and innovation between the public and private sectors to address existing challenges by combining forces and leveraging resources. 

“This event offered teachers the chance to be a part of a conversation of positive ideas to help reach students of all abilities and interests,” said Bergstrom.  “It provided a unique opportunity to guide individuals on paths towards prosperity, while serving our local economies as well.  I was pleased to be a part of that conversation and answer questions from my perspective as a legislator and former teacher.”

Sen. Micheal Bergstrom (middle) joins (from left to right) David Day, College & Career Coordinator for Pryor Schools, Mike Fuller, President and General Manager of America Castings,  Roger Crutchfield, Deputy Superintendent of Northeast Tech and Dr. Richard Beck, Vice President of Academic Affairs for Rogers State University at the Oklahoma Educators & Industry Partnership (OEIP) Educator Camp and roundtable discussion last month in Pryor.  PHOTO CREDIT:  Stephanie Perryman

Sen. Micheal Bergstrom (middle) joins (from left to right) David Day, College & Career Coordinator for Pryor Schools, Mike Fuller, President and General Manager of America Castings,  Roger Crutchfield, Deputy Superintendent of Northeast Tech and Dr. Richard Beck, Vice President of Academic Affairs for Rogers State University at the Oklahoma Educators & Industry Partnership (OEIP) Educator Camp and roundtable discussion last month in Pryor.  PHOTO CREDIT:  Stephanie Perryman

Contact info
Sen. Micheal Bergstrom at 405-521-5561 or