Sen. Micheal Bergstrom, R-Adair, said he was pleased to hear the Ketchum Public School district is receiving an Oklahoma Art Tech Grant to expand access to visual arts, dance, drama or music courses for students attending the district.
“The arts are an important area of study to inspire, enrich and cultivate students and their imagination,” Bergstrom said. “Unfortunately, many of our rural schools lack the resources of their larger counterparts to offer these types of classes to their students. The Art Tech Grant will make these classes a reality for many young students, and I hope it helps to foster the dreams of our best and brightest.”
Ketchum Public Schools is only one of 11 schools across the state to receive an Art Tech Grant, which is a five-year, $5.8 million grant program. The grant is funded by the United States Department of Education and administered by the State Department of Education. Schools receiving the grant will be able to equip classrooms with a no-cost standards-based fine arts curriculum, art supplies, monthly rotations with teaching artists and access to other state arts education resources.