“Anyone who professes to embrace a culture of life would not turn their back on 2,800 innocent children born each year in Oklahoma,” State Senator Tom Adelson (D-Tulsa) said today in response to Rep. Terrill’s criticism of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority’s rule to permit the provision of prenatal care to unborn children.
Adelson said the move by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to approve the emergency rules allowing Medicaid benefits for prenatal care is a cost-saving measure that will allow Oklahoma to recover the majority, two-thirds of the cost of providing care, by billing the federal government. Adelson also said during the last legislative session Rep. Terrill agreed that, provided cost-savings could be demonstrated, Oklahoma should follow the lead of other states like Texas and California to provide prenatal care to these women and their children.
“It is morally reprehensible to deny prenatal care to innocent unborn children, who through no fault of their own, have no access to prenatal care. The fact is, it’s a matter of life and death.” Adelson said. “Rep. Terrill’s flip-flop sends a dangerous message that he doesn’t value the life of innocent children in Oklahoma. I hope his flip-flop to gamble on innocent life isn’t just another publicity ploy.”