Game Birds at Glass Mountain

Artist: Harold Holden
Sponsor: Patty and Joe Cappy
Dedication: February 19, 2003
Size: 5' x 8'
Type: Oil on Canvas
Location: North staircase, 5th floor, House wing
The Glass Mountains (sometimes called Gloss Mountains) are located 6 miles west of Orienta, Oklahoma. The mountains have a high selenite content, making them appear as if they were covered with pieces of glass. This beautiful scenic area, currently defined as a conservation area, boasts rugged high-topped mesas springing up from a relatively flat land area.
Game birds indigenous to northwest Oklahoma, such as wild turkeys, quail and pheasant abound in the area. The land run of 1889 brought increasing levels of subsistence hunting and land use changes that made the wild turkey so rare that by 1925, most people thought they were extinct. In the late 1940's, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation embarked on a stocking program to reestablish the wild turkey to its former range. This program was so successful that today we have huntable populations in every county.
Images are copyright of The Oklahoma State Senate Historical Preservation Fund, Inc. and the artist. Please contact Matt Duehning at 405-524-0126 or for further copyright information.