Bronze Roundels

Artist: Enoch Kelly Haney
Sponsor: Tulsa Tribune Foundation
Dedication: March 12, 2001
Size: 4'x 33" Round
Type: Bronze
Location: Outer Senate and House Chambers
The Eastern Tribes of Oklahoma are represented in the two roundels on each side of the entrance to the Senate Chambers. "The Power of Hope" depicts a mother and child; the mother is strong in the face of adversity. She will always protect her child and meet whatever lies ahead with dignity and determination.

The second is "With the Vision of an Eagle." The eagle is a symbol of vision, foresight and leadership, all of which are embodied in the depiction of the tribal leader in the forefront of the relief. These are representative of the attributes and virtues of many leaders throughout the history of Oklahoma.

The tribes of Western Oklahoma are depicted in the two bronzes on either side of the House of Representatives' entrance. "The Will to Live" depicts a young warrior, and in the background of the relief is a buffalo, a native symbol of endurance. At one time, the buffalo was nearly extinct, but ultimately not only survived, but thrived. Likewise, the people of Oklahoma have faced many tragedies and challenges, but ultimately overcame them all.

"The Spirit of Heritage" depicts an Indian mother carrying her infant in a cradleboard. The imagery is representative of the rich culture and traditions which strengthen and enrich not just the western tribes, but all of Oklahoma. This rich heritage has influenced and shaped the many Oklahomans who have gone on to further enrich our state with their tremendous successes in education, arts, science, government and athletics.
Images are copyright of The Oklahoma State Senate Historical Preservation Fund, Inc. and the artist. Please contact Matt Duehning at 405-524-0126 or for further copyright information.