Meeting Notice



Subject Judiciary
From Date
Time 1:30pm
Location Room 4S.9


1.              SB128 By Kirt of the Senate and Pae of the House

Forcible entry and detainer; extending time period for certain appearance; increasing time period for service of summons. Effective date.

2.              SB198 By Brooks of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1688)

Property; authorizing use of certain contingency for real estate contracts. Effective date.

3.              SB214 By Goodwin of the Senate

Initiative and referendum; specifying time period for certain elections. Emergency.

4.              SB419 By Daniels of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1808)

Attorney General; authorizing State Treasurer to employ or appoint attorneys. Effective date.

5.              SB596 By Jett of the Senate

Asset forfeiture transparency; making certain reports available for public inspection; requiring submission of report on seizure of property. Effective date.

6.              SB601 By Rader of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1797)

Death penalty; creating the Death Penalty Moratorium Act; staying the execution of judgments in all death penalty cases; creating Death Penalty Reform Task Force. Emergency.

7.              SB646 By Paxton of the Senate and Hilbert of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1810)

Officers; creating the Oklahoma Federal Officials Security Act of 2025. Effective date.

8.              SB657 By Weaver of the Senate

Justifiable homicide; authorizing appeal of certain ruling to Court of Criminal Appeals. Effective date.

9.              SB755 By Gollihare of the Senate

Dissolution of marriage; modifying time frame for setting hearing for certain temporary orders. Emergency.

10.           SB813 By Seifried of the Senate and May et al of the House

Victim protective orders; modifying requirements for filing of certain petitions; requiring certain notice. Effective date. Emergency.

11.           SB868 By Frix of the Senate and Hill of the House

Immigration policy; creating the Prohibition on Sanctuary Policies for Illegal Immigration Act. Effective date.

12.           SB870 By Rader of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1794)

Oklahoma Children's Code; creating the Accountability, Transparency, and Protection for Exploited Youth Act. Effective date.

13.           SB925 By Hamilton et al of the Senate

Frauds; creating a criminal penalty and providing for certain imprisonment or fine; providing for certain judicial process. Effective date.

14.           SB970 By Weaver of the Senate

Child custody; requiring notice to custodial parent of in-patient treatment of noncustodial parent. Effective date.

15.           SB990 By Coleman of the Senate

Recall elections; authorizing Legislature to propose recall of state officer; establishing procedures for legislative approval for recall election; providing procedures for certain recall election. Effective date.

16.           SB999 By Murdock et al of the Senate

Property; modifying provisions of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. Effective date.

17.           SB1027 By Bullard et al of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1615)

Initiative and referendum; requiring Secretary of State to make affirmation about certain language. Emergency.

18.           SB1085 By Howard of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1743)

Uniform Commercial Code; providing method of perfecting certain security interest. Effective date.

19.           SB1088 By Prieto of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1771)

Courts; modifying reporting and publication requirements related to the Council on Judicial Complaints; requiring maintenance of complaint docket. Effective date.

20.           SB1089 By Rosino of the Senate and Lawson of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1689)

Determination of competency; modifying procedures for proceedings for restoration of competency; requiring certain reporting. Effective date.

21.           SB1100 By Seifried of the Senate

Assault and battery; requiring certain assessment; authorizing certain alternative programs. Effective date.

22.           SB1119 By Hamilton of the Senate

Initiative and referendum; imposing certain requirements on persons collecting signatures; requiring display of certain notice. Effective date.

23.           Other business