Meeting Notice


Health and Human Services

Subject Health and Human Services
From Date
Time 1:30pm
Location Room 535


  1. SB670 By Kirt of the Senate

Health care providers; requiring certain continuing education; requiring specified mental health screening. Effective date.

  1. SB741 By Gollihare of the Senate

Practice of pharmacy; allowing pharmacist to test for and initiate drug therapy for certain minor, nonchronic health conditions. Effective date.

  1. SB424 By Gillespie of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1799)

Community health workers; creating the Oklahoma Community Health Worker Act; providing for voluntary certification. Effective date.

  1. SB889 By Murdock et al of the Senate and Luttrell of the House

Hospitals; requiring hospitals to make public certain file and list; authorizing compliance monitoring and enforcement; prohibiting certain collection actions. Effective date.

  1. SB1079 By Murdock of the Senate

Food; requiring disclosure by licensed food establishments for use of cell-cultured meat. Effective date.

  1. SB253 By Hines of the Senate and Stinson of the House

Medicaid; requiring Oklahoma Health Care Authority to include certain information in annual budget request. Effective date.

  1. SB761 By McIntosh et al of the Senate

Health care; creating the Lori Brand Patient Bill of Rights Act of 2025; specifying certain patient rights and responsibilities. Effective date.

  1. SB959 By McIntosh et al of the Senate

Health care; granting certain rights and protections to health care institutions and payors; prohibiting certain discrimination and adverse actions. Effective date.

  1. SB252 By Standridge et al of the Senate

Medicaid; excluding prescription drug services from certain provisions; directing certain program delivery model. Effective date.

  1. SB906 By Rosino of the Senate and Stinson of the House

Practice of pharmacy; establishing certain pharmacy staffing ratio. Effective date.

  1. SB949 By Rosino of the Senate and Roe of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1644)

Office of Client Advocacy; modifying and clarifying provisions related to investigations; transferring certain duties; authorizing inspection of certain records. Emergency.

  1. SB1067 By Rosino of the Senate and Stinson of the House (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #1786)

Ambulances; modifying reimbursement rates for certain ambulance services. Effective date.

  1. Other business

Senator Paul Rosino, Chair

Senator Brenda Stanley, Vice Chair