Meeting Notice


General Government REVISED

Subject General Government
From Date
Time 1:00pm
Location Room 230


Interim Study 2024-039

Gatekeepers-How to ensure boards and commissions meet their statutory obligation to act in the public's best interest

Requestors: Senator Julie Daniels & Representative John Kane

1:00 - 3:30

  1. Regina Burchum, Interim Director, Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency
  2. Mike Davis, Legal Analyst, Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency
  3. Chad Ellis, PhD, Bartlesville
  4. Daniel Gamino, Daniel J. Gamino & Associates, P.C., General Counsel, State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
  5. Teanne Rose, Executive Director, State Board of Psychologists
  6. Steven Sternlof, PhD, Chair of the Board, State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
  7. Carolyn Thompson, Legislative Liaison, Office of Attorney General
  8. Elizabeth Fullbright, Lead Investigator, State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
  9. Richard L. Zimmer, CMBI, Senior Investigator, State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
  10. Sandra Benischek Harrison, Interim Executive Director, Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision
  11. Susan Rogers, Esq., Executive Director, State Board of Dentistry
  12. Preston Draper, General Counsel, Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training
  13. Other business

Senator Jessica Garvin, Chair

Senator Jack Stewart, Vice Chair